Aims and Scope

Aims and Scope:


Biannual Journal "Pouyesh in Education and consultation " With the goal of "expanding the boundaries of knowledge In the field of teacher training and counseling in theoretical and applied fields, trying to study and publish articles with Persian text along with their English abstract in the following subjects:


-         studying the issues and challenges of the country' teaching system and providing appropriate solutions.

-         Critique of university curriculum for teachers and counselors.

-         Critique of curriculum available in school,

-          Content analysis of textbooks,

-         Adaptive Studies in Teacher Education and Educational Sciences,

-         Educational and research innovations by teachers and school counselor,

-         Conducting and analyzing the competencies of teachers and counselors (from the dimensions of individual and social ethics, educational and research, etc ...) in schools,




-         Indexing in international databases such as: web in science , scopouse

-          Readiness to receive research papers from prominent professors, pioneer teachers and top students throughout the country,

-         Readiness to receive English articles and publish them in case of acceptance, in special numbers and in full in English

-         In order to learn more about the relevance of articles with specific priorities of the paper, see also previous issues.