to dwell in narrative: survey of narrtive influence in education and comprehension of knowledge

Document Type : Research Paper


farhangian uni/ assistant professor


The narration is a skill which has been developed since the beginning of human`s existence until the present era. The narrative  consists of structured propositions that  dealing with an account of events and characters. This aspect of the narrative not only  is useful  in the moral and cultural teachings but also is effective in transmission and explanation of the science and specialized knowledge. Developing the narration skill requires fundamental and specialized  scientific foundations. On the other hand, teachers and students with any level of knowledge should be provided with competencies in both narrative telling and listening.
This paper aims to explore the effect of narrative on communicating scientific concepts to students through a student’s using of narrative of the book “Parallel Universe”.Finally, is concluded that narrative techniques such as narratology and storytelling, are interdisciplinary skills and are necessary for all educational and academic settings.
